But first let me present you a French south-west marvellous sweet coming from Toulouse : the candied violet.

In France, we are using many type of flowers essence or candied petal for cake decoration or for their taste (i.e. rose, lavender, poppy, nasturtium...). In the past, flowers flavor were use to make medical syrup tastes better, but they were quickly used for cooking.
Today, some French chiefs are very popular for cooking flowers whether candied or fresh. I would say that in France : it is fashionable !
Since more than a century, Violet has become a real tradition and a symbol of Toulouse city (know as the "Ville rose" due to the pink color of its buildings walls) for perfume or candies.
Crystallised violets are mainly used for cake decoration. Nowadays, there are a lot of deriving sweets and syrup made from the violet flowers.
Outside France, it can be found in specialised pastry shop or on the web.
When I found this recipe on the Kikilatoque's blog : I did not hesitate to taste it, as I have always candied violet at home.
I hope you will enjoy it.
Ingredients :
25 cl / 9fl oz milk
25 cl / 9 fl oz double cream
3 and a half gelatine leaves
50 gr /2 oz candied violet (or you can use violet flavor : in such case add some more sugar)
20 gr / 1 oz sugar
Soak the gelatine leaves in cold water until soft.
Place milk, cream, violet candied (or flavor) and sugar into a pan
and bring to simmer.
Heat until the candied violet has melted.
Squeeze the water out of the gelatine leaves,
Take off the heat and add the gelatine leaves to the pan.
Stir until the gelatine leaves have dissolved.
Divide the mixture among ramekins and leave to cool.
Place into the fridge for a couple of hours, until set.
Decorate with crystallised violet or violet sugar or any nice sweets or color sugar that you may have.
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